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Carbon Neutral Certification

AIRSHED offers a certification programme so you can document the actions you have taken to combat Climate Change.

The AIRSHED Carbon Neutral Program (CNP) has been designed for organisations, products, services or events where it can be demonstrated that an active effort to reduce emissions levels towards zero is being undertaken, or that carbon neutrality has been achieved. There are 2 tiers of certification available, as follows:

Airshed Certified Carbon Managed AIRSHED CARBON MANAGED status will be awarded where it can be demonstrated that a robust and transparent emissions management policy, including an annual emissions measurement commitment and a quantitative emissions reduction target, is in place and being followed.
Airshed Certified Carbon Neutral AIRSHED CARBON NEUTRAL status will be awarded where the AIRSHED CARBON MANAGED requirements have been met and where it can also be demonstrated that net emissions have been reduced to zero through the purchase of high quality carbon offset products.

Our certification marks can be awarded to organisations, products, services or events.