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AIRSHED Sustainability Policy

At AIRSHED, in carrying out our business, we will:
Strive to avoid the use of substances that harm the biosphere or its inhabitants.

Use renewable resources sustainably and work to reduce our use of non-renewable resources.

Work to reduce our waste through source reduction and recycling.

Conserve energy and work to improve the energy efficiency of our operations and of the things we sell.

Strive to minimise health and safety risks to our employees.

Strive to avoid our use and sale of things that may damage the biosphere or its inhabitants.

Do what we can to fix any damage that we cause to the biosphere or its inhabitants.

Keep the public informed of anything we do that is likely to damage the biosphere or its inhabitants.

Implement these principles and abide by them.

This policy has been developed by AIRSHED based on a 10 point code of environmental corporate conduct developed by Ceres, a network of investors, environmental organisations and other public interest groups working to address global sustainability challenges such as Climate Change (

This policy establishes an environmental ethic with criteria by which people can assess the environmental performance of AIRSHED. This policy is not intended to create new legal liabilities, expand existing rights or obligations, waive legal defences, or otherwise affect the legal position of AIRSHED, and may not be used against AIRSHED in any legal proceedings for any purpose.